Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sickness Must GO!

So, I've been cooped up in this house for about two weeks now (except for one trip to the ER when Zephorah broke her arm, to sign Z up for preschool and a few trips out for toilet paper and a few other essentials). I don't know why we've experienced so much sickness this winter. It used to be that I'd get sick once a year...usually it was pretty nasty, but aside from that one week each year I'd deal with nothing really. I don't know if having children has changed that or what. As for the latest round of fun: Zephorah's nearing the end of a week long bout with something (fever, chest congestion, cough, eye infection, ear aches, runny nose, sinus know, all that fun stuff!); Toby's just starting and I'm hoping it's a lot easier on him. I've been fighting a similar bug for nearly two weeks now. Joel had a nasty stomach thing for ~2 days. I'm hoping this is the end...that when Toby's over it, we'll be done. Also hoping and praying that my lungs will clear and I'll be able to breathe deep for the first time since August. I don't know what's up with them...can't seem to kick it. Every time I get tired, whatever infection is there rears it's ugly head. I'm looking forward to being able to breathe well enough to go running again!

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Blogging Beginning

So, we've never done a blog before...but figured we might as well start... For many of you, we probably haven't been in touch for quite some time. We didn't do a Christmas newsletter this year (not that we ever have), but figured we'd do a Christmas blog instead. How times does fly! I guess it's more a Valentine's Day blog instead. Better late than never I suppose...

What is new with the Georges? or not so new...
For those of you we REALLY have lost touch with, we're living in Atlanta and have two young children - Zephorah and Toby. They are a blast, but definitely a lot of work as all small kiddos are.

Zephorah is now 3. She's tracing letters, emptying part of the dishwasher, changing her bear's diaper constantly, helping "read" books to Toby and drawing little stick figures. We're in the process of registering her for preschool next year. So hard to believe!

Toby is 1 1/2. He is a climb-er! Boy does that boy climb! He loves monkeys and is all out boy...but he's also so cuddly. I love it! He's talking more and more each day. Just this weekend he switched to a big-boy bed after becoming quite proficient at climbing in and out of his crib.

Joel's handyman/construction business has begun picking up again (holidays are always slower - which makes sense). He really enjoys what he does and is learning daily. We recently started attending a new church and Joel is a part of the worship team. He's really enjoying playing again. It'd been over 4 years since he's played on a worship team, or anywhere really.

I (Carol) am staying at home with the kids. I've tried my hand at some sewing and baking, but mostly staying at home with the kids. I do have a baking website ( I am filling small orders at home. It's not a busy business, but it's there and I enjoy it. As Joel's business continues to grow, it appears that he will most definitely need some more administrative help behind the scenes. I am thrilled about this because numbers, mailings, all that stuff is so much fun to me. We'll see how things progress, but I enjoy the thought of it all.

Anyhow, so that's the summary. I know in some ways it's a bit vague - but hopefully we'll be faithful to update this now and again and that will bring about more detail.